Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Criminal Justice System And The Correctional Industry

The criminal justice system is made-up of three major components: the police, the courts, and corrections. The police are responsible for ensuring social peace and tranquility; in addition to finding, capturing, and helping bring lawbreakers to justice through effective investigative practices. The courts provide a platform for sifting through the evidence police gather to discover the facts of a crime; and render a punishment, set forth by the levels of government, for the crime(s). Finally, corrections is responsible for ensuring an offender fulfills the requirements of his/her court sentence. From this perspective, it is clear to see that each component operates somewhat independently, except for the correctional industry. The correctional industry functions rely on the actions of all criminal justice components. Correction is the â€Å"repository pool for the waterfall of the criminal justice system† (Horgan, 2012, para 9). The external stakeholders of the criminal justice system shape the correctional industry procedures. The functions of police agencies are complex. Law enforcement agencies are charged with upholding public order and the peace. Society has largely viewed law enforcement as crime fighters. Due to these social perceptions, law enforcement has often taken on this mindset. At times, this has led to police action that has violated the constitutional rights of the individuals they have encountered. Although police practices retain a considerableShow MoreRelatedCareer Goals And Knowledge Of Field And Program Essay1387 Words   |  6 Pages Witnessing this has inspired me to pursue a career in law enforcement and criminal justice. My ultimate goal after completing the Correctional Services Program is to apply to police agencies, and correctional institutions. 2. 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