Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Significance of Using LinkedIn Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

The Significance of Using LinkedIn - Assignment Example The researcher also revealed the way LinkedIn can be integrated with other networking sites, which are applicable such as online forums, blogs, and tweets. Lastly, the recommendations were provided that revealed ways that the company can reduce the additional costs, which might be required for maximizing exposure such as advertising and premium listings. E-marketing has become one of the significant approaches employed by many companies in conducting business activities in the global market. The globalization era, which is driven by rapid technological advancement, have created varied changes in the way companies are conducting business in the 21st century. E-marketing has become widely incorporated in business activities because it enables companies to interact with their clients and communicate effectively about the services they offer to customers. E-marketing refers to the process of employing digital technologies in order to help entrepreneurs to distribute their products and services effectively across the global market. This method has become widely used than the traditional method because it offers companies significant access to the mass market at a reasonable cost. Therefore, many organizations particularly those, which specialize in dealing with the cloud, recognize the sufficient of using of Internet marketing. Companies offering services by moving their data to cloud services recognizes that selling services like this one does not need to rely on traditional marketing methods but rather use of electronic marketing in the 21st century. This has enabled such companies to employ effective online marketing tools in order to reach their potential targeted customers effective; hence increasing profits.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Poor Communication within a Business Research Paper

Poor Communication within a Business - Research Paper Example Effects of poor communication to a business Ideally, for any business organization to succeed proper and effective communication becomes the backbone of this achievement. The effects of poor communication stream down from the organization’s top management organs to the least level of employees. The miscommunication may overflow to consumers in that the sales team may give minimized attention to the needs of their consumers hence delivering poor service to them. Essentially, the low morale of employees, in house miscommunication, non-content customers, and poor output or performance by staff becomes the product of poor communication. I. Low morale and motivation of employees Negative morale mothers animosity and harshness among staff members if their working environment is not fulfilling. In essence, the improper articulation of organizations goals and objectives to employees by the management translates to decreased morale. Sequentially, the general output by the employee’s decreases because of this inappropriate impact. Additionally, when team members do not have access to adequate information needed in the delegation of their tasks they lack motivation as they feel the need to work extra in order to fulfill their duties (Frater, 2003). Eventually, the working environment created is one characterized by bitter moods that end up spilling to the customer. In this regard, the top management needs to establish proper communication channels between them and their team players to ensure that their customers benefit from their services. A negative cycle may develop in the business, which may attract low sales and dismal performance by the business. Th e personnel become weak in the execution of tasks and implementation of the organization goals. Mainly, the whole idea of going in to a business undertaking is making a profit. Therefore, it will prove unworthy to continue venturing in a nonprofit able venture because of reasons that are preventable. In a counter approach, a business needs to ensure that the morale levels of its staff members are intact for the continued growth of a business. II. In house miscommunication and misinterpretation Subsequently, poor communication within a business setting has the ripple effect of compromising the in house